SOS has been under construction for a few years now, and to our excitement the last building is almost complete! The construction progress has been long but extremely successful. We first received a new storage building, four residential houses, the Barn Classroom Building, and the Lower Education Classroom Building; Now the Upper Education Building is slated to be completed and in use by mid-January. Here are a few pictures to show how great it looks already!
This is from Old Oak Ranch Road side. The front entrance is just to the left.
Just like the Barn Classroom Building we will have a great covered patio space.
Another view of patio and front of the building to the right.
A rear view from the dining hall side.
Rear view from Old Oak Ranch Road side.
The new building will have three classrooms, a museum space, a staff office, two sets of bathrooms, and a reception area, called the Lizard Lounge, which will be used as a place for the chaperones and teachers to relax. The Upper Education Building is set to add around 10,000 square feet to our indoor spaces here at SOS. Check back soon to see what the finished product looks like. We can't wait for the middle of January!
A blend mind and crucial words. Exactly what I was scanning for.